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Onahole Accessories Guide

So you’ve gotten your first onahole – congratulations! – and now you’re on the hunt for some onahole accessories to either: a) prolong the lifespan of your precious new toy b) spruce it up to add some extra zing! to your fun; or c) keep things uh…discreet when storing your onahole. Whatever your reason, there are […]


Japan’s Pink Film Genre

Dear readers, I hope you’re all in the pink of health today because we’re about to delve into what is considered one of the most extreme sub-genres of exploitation cinema – pink films. Originating from Japan, pink films, known in Japanese as pinku eiga, is a genre of film that unashamedly explores eroticism and nudity (hence the […]


THE BATTLE OF MALE SEX TOYS – Onaholes vs. Fleshlights vs. Pocket Pussies

Strokers. Masturbation sleeves. Pocket vagina. Artificial vagina. Male masturbators. Call it what you will but a rose by any other name still provides the same function – to bring you to the zenith of pleasure.  For a plethora of reasons – stigma, shame, societal taboos – sex toys geared towards men have often been overshadowed […]


Japanese Pornography – AN OVERVIEW

Ah, porn. We’ve all…dabbled in it at one point or another, whether out of curiosity or for uh, stress relief. On the off chance that you hail from a distant planet that resides in a universe where porn doesn’t exist, porn, short for pornography, is any printed, audio, or audiovisual material – guess which medium is the […]


The Hedonistic World of Hentai

The History and Etymology of “Hentai” Let’s play a game. If I say “hentai”, you think…tentacle porn. You did, didn’t you? Well, if you did, it’s unsurprising as it’s a category of hentai that gained notoriety when the genre started circulating on the international media platform.  What people may find surprising however is that the word, “hentai”, […]


Japanese Porn Censorship: Needed or not?

Picture this: you’ve gotten comfy on the couch, your favorite onahole in one hand and the TV remote in the other. You think to yourself that maybe it’s time to try something new, so you venture into the world of Japanese porn. After scrolling through a few rather eyebrow-raising categories, you settle on some good ol’ fashioned missionary […]


Top Porn Trends of 2022

Discover and amaze with the top porn trends of 2022!


4 traits Japanese Women Like: A quick guide

Are you looking for love in Japan? Check out today’s post on 4 traits Japanese Women look for in a partner!


14 Wild Sexual Fetishes You  Have Never Heard Of!

Did you know any of these?! Don’t miss the opportunity of discovering new, wild sexual fetishes in today’s blog post!

Most Viewed Porn 2022

Let’s see what was buzzing around and discover what was the most viewed porn of 2022!


8 Unique Genres of Japanese Porn 

If you’re looking to add some flavor to your spank bank or are feeling particularly frisky and adventurous, then look no further than Japanese porn, the Wild Wild West of the porn industry.  Notorious for its widely diverse, highly creative, and yes, sometimes controversial, and subversive categories, Japanese porn has been fascinating audiences and unlocking previously […]


6 Japanese Sex Terms – A Quick Guide

So you’ve stumbled unwittingly – or purposefully – into the lush, wild jungles of Japanese erotica and porn; and you’re now confronted with information overload of terms and phrases that you’ve no clue how to decipher. Fear not, and welcome to a new adventure where the road to getting your rocks off is littered with […]